Exotic Pet Boarding Check-in Form Thank you for giving West Chester Pet Resort the opportunity to care for your pet(s). To ensure the best care possible, please fill out this form completely. We’ll reach out with any questions. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *PhonePet’s Name *What is the color/style of the pet's crate? *Is your pet litter box trained? *YesNoHow MUCH do they eat and how OFTEN do they eat? *Any special feeding instructions we need to know about? *Does your pet have any history of seizures, or other medical concerns we need to know about? Have they expressed any symptoms of illn *YESNOIf yes, please explain: *Has your pet been fed today? *YESNOWhat type and brand of bedding do you use for your pet? *What veterinarian clinic does your pet go to? *Does your pet enjoy being held or petted? *YESNODoes your pet use a water bottle or a water bowl? *Water bottleWater bowlAre there any daily care tasks that you would like to inform us of regarding your pet? *Additional Notes Date *PhoneSubmit